Cambridge Healthtech’s 5th Annual
Companion Diagnostics and Clinical Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology
Predicting and Monitoring Response to Cancer Immunotherapy
August 21-22, 2019
Immunotherapy is the most effective therapeutic approach in a variety of advanced and metastatic cancers that the cancer community saw in decades. However, the success of each of the agents is highly dependent on the choice of a specific approach for
a specific patient population. Therefore, the progress in adoption of cancer immunotherapy requires the development and implementation of robust clinical-grade biomarkers. Once validated the biomarkers and companion diagnostics for cancer immunotherapy
undergo significant market access challenges including regulatory and reimbursement hurdles. Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Fifth Annual Companion Diagnostics and Clinical Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology is designed to bring together clinical
immuno-oncologists, researchers from pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and members of the laboratory medicine community to discuss challenges and solutions for bringing to the market and implementing robust and cost-effective companion and complementary
assays to improve patient outcomes.
Final Agenda
Day 1 | Day 2 | Download Brochure
10:30 am Registration
Constitution A&B
11:30 Plenary Keynote Session
11:30 Chairperson’s Remarks
Charles Mathews, Principal, ClearView Healthcare Partners
11:40 NEW: Plenary Keynote Presentation: FDA Updates: Now and Looking to the Future
Katherine Donigan, PhD, Acting Director of Personalized Medicine, Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Introduction and background of the new Office Director of OIR and updates on precision medicine and other initiatives at the FDA.
12:10-1:05 pm Plenary Keynote Discussion: Proposals and Solutions for Diagnostic Reform Including Oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs)
Cynthia A. Bens, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, Personalized Medicine Coalition
- How are stakeholders influencing congressional activity on the Verifying Accurate Leading-edge IVCT Development (VALID) Act?
- How will the VALID Act change the current oversight landscape for diagnostics, including LDTs?
- How are policymakers addressing the role of CMS and CLIA in the VALID Act?
- How will increased regulatory and oversight activities at the FDA affect the diagnostics industry?
- What impact will changes in diagnostics regulation and oversight have on patient care?

Julie Khani, MPA, President, American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA)
Donald E. Horton, Jr., Senior Vice President, Global Government Relations & Public Policy, Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings
Susan Van Meter, Executive Director, AdvaMedDx
Tara Burke, PhD, Senior Director,
Public Policy & Advocacy, Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP)
Laura Lasiter, PhD, Science Policy Analyst, Friends of Cancer Research
1:05 pm Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:35 Ice Cream & Cookie Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
2:05 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Kenneth Emancipator, MD, DABP, Executive Medical Director, Companion Diagnostics, Translational Medicine, Merck & Co., Inc.
2:10 Biomarkers in the Context of IO Combinations
J.D. Alvarez, MD, PhD, Vice
President, Oncology Diagnostics, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies
Will current assays be combined or completely superseded? Are standard clinical biomarkers being overlooked in IO trials? What is the current utility and future potential of blood-based biomarkers? How can NGS panels data be used to improve target discovery
and/or combo prioritization? These and other important issues will be addressed in this presentation. Harmonization of multiple assays for the similar biomarker(s) will be discussed as well.
2:40 TMB as a Clinical Biomarker in Combination Trials
Rajiv Raja, PhD, Director,
Translational Medicine Oncology and Pharmacogenomics, AstraZeneca
Next Generation Sequencing and Liquid Biopsies offer exciting novel opportunities to bring innovative drugs to patients. But these opportunities do not come without challenges and will need to be resolved, particularly when looking at genomic signatures
such as Tumor Mutational Burden.
3:10 PD-L1 as a Companion Diagnostic for Tumors Beyond Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: It’s the Same Thing, Only Different
Kenneth Emancipator,
MD, DABP, Executive Medical Director, Companion Diagnostics, Translational Medicine, Merck & Co., Inc.
The PD-L1 companion diagnostic had a huge impact on the clinical development of pembrolizumab, making it the first immunotherapy approved as a first-line agent for non-small cell lung cancer. However, this is just the beginning of the story, not the end.
Adapting the PD-L1 diagnostic to incorporate immune cell expression facilitated approval of pembrolizumab for several additional indications and may shed light on the mechanism of action of checkpoint inhibitors.
3:40 How Biospecimen Sourcing Can Impact Your R&D
Vanessa Tumilasci, PhD, Commercial Director, Trans-Hit Biomarkers
Biospecimen sourcing is becoming a challenge for many scientists who need to respect timelines for R&D plans as well as regulatory and ethical constraints. Are the scientists working with the samples aware of all the imperatives to obtain them; quality,
respect of laws, ethics and regulations?
3:55 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)
4:10 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
4:55 Chairperson’s Remarks
Nicholas Dracopoli, PhD, CSO, DELFI Diagnostics
5:00 Immuno-Oncology Biomarkers: What’s New?
Nancy Zhang, MD, Associate Director, Pharmacodiagnostics, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Precision medicine continues to transform treatment paradigms through development of new biomarkers and interpretation of clinical data. Testing for Immuno-Oncology biomarkers, such as PD-L1, and emerging ones, such as tumor mutational burden, may help
optimize treatment decisions when assessed individually or in combination. The advancement of increasingly complex biomarkers also brings a need for advanced diagnostic tools. We will discuss biomarkers, their dynamic monitoring, and assessment in
the evolving field of pharmacodiagnostics.
5:30 Companion Diagnostics in Immuno-Oncology
Anand Pathak, MD, PhD,
MPH, Medical Officer, FDA
This session will focus on the implementation of immuno-oncology diagnostic tests in clinical trials, including understanding the regulatory implications of different approaches, validation of emerging pan-tumor CDx claims, and complementary diagnostics
vs. companion diagnostics.
6:00 Panel Discussion: Companion Diagnostics in Immuno-Oncology
Moderator: Nicholas Dracopoli, PhD, CSO, DELFI Diagnostics
Panelists: Speakers of the Day
Topics to be discussed:
- Advantages and disadvantages of complex multianalyte panels versus simple single analyte Dx tests
- Issues in developing CDx tests for drugs being launched in different countries
- Tumor mutation burden (TMB) and other very large panel tests
- Advantages and disadvantages of plasma based ctDNA testing compared to tissue-based tests
- Emergence of new CDx tests for immuno-oncology drugs
6:30 Close of Day
6:30 Dinner Short Course Registration
6:45 - 9:15 pm Recommended dinner Short Course*
SC14: Generating Evidence and Creating a Winning Dossier for Regulatory and Reimbursement Needs
Mark Hiatt, MD, Vice President, Guardant Health
John Sninsky, PhD, Consultant, Translational Sciences
Managing the clinical narrative for your diagnostic test requires careful evaluation of the evidentiary requirements of stakeholders. Using those evidentiary requirements to determine your clinical and economic study designs is the cornerstone of effective
product development.
*Separate registration required.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Download Brochure
7:15 am Registration
Independence B-E and Foyer
7:30 Problem Solving Breakout Discussions with Continental Breakfast
Clinical Biomarkers in the Era of Combination Cancer Therapy
Moderator: Jamie Shaw, Principal Scientist, Clinical Biomarkers and Diagnostics, EMD Serono, Inc.
- How can clinical sample testing be prioritized to be most informative when tissue is limited?
- What are the challenges of assessing pretreatment markers vs. resistance markers acquired upon progression?
- Which design parameters are essential for robust evaluation of multiple markers within a clinical study?
- What strategic considerations need to be taken when there are multiple CDx assays commercially available?
Next Generation Oncology Biomarkers: Value Demonstration and Role of Real-World Data
Moderators: Shuvayu S. Sen, PhD, Executive Director, CORE Oncology, Merck & Co., Inc.
Kaushal Desai, PhD, Director, Informatics & Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc.
Robert Metcalf, CEO, Concert Genetics
- What are the critical questions drug developers face in showing the value of such markers for approval and utilization?
- What are the methodological and data challenges do we face in conducting value assessment of biomarkers and relevant drugs?
- What are the perspectives of diagnostic labs and data integrators in terms of linking data of different part of the health care system including biomarkers?
8:25 Chairperson’s Remarks
Mitch Raponi, PhD, Vice President, Biomarkers & Translational Research, BeiGene
8:30 Silver Linings: Embracing the Positive and Negative in Predictive Biomarker Development
Jamie Shaw, Principal Scientist, Clinical Biomarkers and Diagnostics at EMD Serono, Inc.
Despite development of countless drugs targeting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in cancer, no biomarkers have been validated to identify patients likely to benefit from these therapies. This presentation will review findings from the PhI trial of M2698, a
p70S6K/AKT inhibitor, which suggest that tumor resistance markers could identify a patient population benefitting from treatment and illustrates how implementing a combination of positive and negative selection markers may increase robustness and
9:00 PARPi Development in Prostate Cancer: Limitations and Opportunities for Companion Diagnostic Development
Mitch Raponi, PhD,
Vice President, Biomarkers & Translational Research, BeiGene
PARP inhibitors have demonstrated clinical utility in treating metastatic prostate cancer due to enrichment of DNA repair deficiencies in a subset of these tumors. NGS testing of tumor tissue to identify patients with BRCA defects or other homologous
recombination repair deficiencies has limited utility due to limited amount of tumor isolated from bone biopsies. Opportunities of developing liquid biopsy-based companion diagnostics for this disease will be discussed.
9:30 Streamlined CDx™ - A Proven Strategy to Accelerate Drug Approvals
Michael Vishnevetsky, PhD, Head of Global Business Development, Invivoscribe
Companion Diagnostics have revolutionized precision medicine as they play a pivotal role in defining the efficacy of targeted therapies. Invivoscribe’s Streamlined CDx™ program has been shown to collapse development timelines, improve and
accelerate selection of patient cohorts, leading to earlier submissions and accelerated FDA, EMA and PMDA approvals of new targeted therapies. Streamlined CDx™ partnership model has proven successful in approval of the first ever AML companion
diagnostic – The LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay.
10:00 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
11:00 Chairperson’s Remarks
Iulian Pruteanu-Malinici, Investigator III, Lab Head, Immuno-Oncology, Novartis
11:05 Personalizing Immunotherapy for Each Cancer Patient
Roman Yelensky, MD, Executive Vice President and CTO, Sequencing and Bioinformatics, Gritstone Oncology
Gritstone Oncology is a cancer immunotherapy company working to help patients with the most difficult-to-treat tumors. Gritstone’s personalized immunotherapy process leverages our EDGE AI platform to predict neoantigens that will be presented on
a patient’s tumor, allowing us to create a patient-specific heterologous prime-boost immunotherapy that is designed to elicit a potent anti-tumor T cell response.
11:35 Correlative and Release Test Assays for Evaluating Gene Edited Human Cell Products
Simon Lacey, PhD, Director,
Translational and Correlative Studies Laboratory, Center for Cellular Immunotherapies, University of Pennsylvania
Gene editing techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 hold potential for augmentation of CAR-T and TCR engineered cell products to be used in human clinical trials. The FDA requires additional evaluations of such gene edited and engineered cells prior to, and post
infusion. This presentation will discuss the development and validation of correlative and release test assays to evaluate efficiency of transduction, gene editing and other aspects of engineered and edited cells.
12:05 pm Modeling Flow High-Dimensional Data and Biomarker Identification in a CART/Multiple Myeloma Study
Iulian Pruteanu-Malinici, Investigator III, Lab Head, Immuno-Oncology, Novartis
Here we present a Flow Cytometry based framework that, when combined with state-of-the-art bioinformatics, enables for the discovery of biomarkers that predict clinical response of CART therapeutic products.
12:35 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)
1:05 Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:35 Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
2:15 Chairperson’s Remarks
Kathryn Lang, MBBS, MRCP, Vice President, Outcomes and Evidence, Guardant Health
2:20 TLR Agonist NKTR-262 Immunotherapy Combination with Bempegaldesleukin (NKTR-214) Harnessing Innate and Adaptive Immune System for the Treatment of Solid Tumors
Saul Kivimäe,
PhD, Head of Pharmacology, Nektar Therapeutics
NKTR-262 is a novel TLR agonist therapeutic designed to deliver intratumoral TLR7/8 engagement and is currently evaluated in Phase 1 dose escalation study with bempegaldesleukin, a CD122-preferential IL-2 pathway agonist. NKTR-262 combination treatment
with bempegaldesleukin is designed to provide a synergistic effect of localized intratumoral innate immune stimulation with systemic sustained T cell activation for comprehensive anti-tumor immune activation mimicking a natural immune response.
2:50 Integrating Clinical Research and Care in a Perpetual Trial to Continuously Learn From All Patients, on All Treatments, All the Time
Mika Newton, BSc,
CEO, xCures
The explosion of molecular subtypes and oncology drugs means R&D is about to hit a wall. There are not enough patients to explore all the potential options. A Perpetual Trial provides patients and their physicians with individualized treatment
options. RWD is generated longitudinally to learn what works in which patients, and coordinate treatment prioritizing the most promising therapies. This RWE is used to accelerate regulatory approvals, label expansions, and reimbursement.
3:20 How Can Real-World Data Enhance Clinical Evidence Generation?
Margaret McCusker, MD, Senior Medical Director, Flatiron Health
As the cancer treatment landscape becomes increasingly complex, biomarkers are playing a more prominent role in drug development and clinical decision support. In this setting, research-quality clinical evidence derived from cancer patients’
electronic health records and paired genomic data are a valuable asset. This session will highlight examples of how clinico-genomic data can provide critical insights into the impact of biomarkers on real-world oncology practice and accelerate
clinical research.
3:50 Establishing the Next Generation of Clinico-Genomic Data in Oncology and Healthcare
Kathryn Lang, MBBS, MRCP, Vice President, Outcomes and Evidence, Guardant Health
The emergence of real-world clinico-genomic data promises great value for all aspects of the healthcare system. How do organizations and individuals combine efforts to support all aspects of care and treatment?
4:20 End of Summit
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